xte’um tst ’ukw’ slhap’. |
We’ll make soup. |
’i’ nilh tse’ kwthu hun’utum’ thuqi’ nilh tse’ skoukw tst ’u tun’a kweyul. |
It’s the one that’s called sockeye that we’ll cook today. |
shqwal’s |
pot |
theequn shqwal’s kwthu hakw tse’. |
Use a big pot. |
yelhs nem’s kwthu qa’. |
And then you add the water. |
ni’ kwulh hay ni’ hwu mukw’ ’uw’ hwu sq’uq’ip kwthey’- |
When that’s all ready, put all the ingredients together- |
kwthu ’un’ sqewth, kwthu shewuq, kwthu onions |
your potatoes, the carrots, the onion |
’uhwiin’ ’ul’ tthu shewuq ni’ tse’ hakw. |
We’ll just use a few carrots. |
’uhwiin’ ’ul’ |
just a little bit |
ha’ wuwa’ ’uw’ lhihw ’ul’ ’uw’ niis mumun’lh. |
Maybe just three if they are small. |
ha’ ni’ nan ’uw’ qux ’i’ ni’ hwi’ hwu q’et’um. |
If you put too much in there, it will get sweet. |
ni’ ch tse’ mumun’lhstuhw kwun’s lhits’ut tthun’ shewuq, tthun’ sqweth. |
You will cut the carrots and potatoes really small. |
ni’ hay kwun’s ni’ yu lhilhuts’ut kwthey’ shewuq ’i’ kwthun’ sqewth ’i’ ni’ hwi’nilh kwthu qw’uxwi’uts. |
After you finish cutting the carrots and the potatoes, you do the onions. |
yuw’en tthu sqewth kwun’s nuw’ush ’u tthun’ shqwal’s. |
You first put the potatoes into your pot. |
’apun munut-s kwsus lhapqw’um kwthu ’un’ sqewth. |
The potatoes boil for 10 minutes. |
yelhs nem’s kwthu shewuq, |
Then you add carrots, |
’i’ kwthu celery ’i’ kwthu tl’elhum. |
and celery and salt |
’uwute’ snes tthu celery. |
There’s no word for celery. |
’i’ tthu tl’elhum ni’ tl’uw’ q’a’t. |
And I will add salt to it. |
ni’ hay kwun’s ni’ mutqwt kwthu sqewth, shewuq, onions, celery ’i’ kwthun’ tl’elhum, |
Then you put into the water the potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, and your salt, |
’i’ hay ’ul’ lhi’a’uqwt kwthu stseelthun. |
and the last of all is the salmon. |
hay ’ul’ lhi’a’uqwt kwthu thuqi’. |
The sockeye is the last. |
’i’ ni’ qw’ul kwsus sum’ikw’. |
And they will get cooked all together. |
tskw’ush munut kwus lhap’qw’um’. |
Have it boiled for 20 minutes. |
shqp’equtun |
lid / cover |