sts’qw’un’u — Earrings

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Hul’q’umi’num’ vocabulary list

’uhwiin’ussmall beads (round things)
thithusbig beads (round things)
hw’ukw’nutstthread a needle
p’utth’tunneedle (sewing needle)
ts’qw’atpierce it, poke a needle in
tslhaqwtpush it through
hwakw’tpulling it
q’isutto tie a knot
q’usnutsttie a knot on the end (of sewing thread)


tsq’ixblack, dark-coloured
p’uq’white, beige, light grey, also means bright
tsqwaygreen (includes shades of yellow and blue)
tumulhalus– Some speakers say it this way.
shkwitth’tsalusdark blue (like skwitth’uts Stellar’s jay )
saxwulalusgreen (from saxwul “grass”)
kwulula’alusorange (from kwulala’ulhp “red alder”)
luluts’yellow (luluts’ulhp Oregon-grape plant)
luluts’alusyellow (some people use =alus on this colour)
kwoulalusgold-coloured (kwoul “gold”)

Counting round objects

nuts’usone round object
yusa’lustwo round objects
lhihwusthree round objects
xuthinusfour round objects
lhq’atssusfive round objects
t’xumussix round objects
tth’a’kwsusseven round objects
ta’tssuseight round objects
toohwusnine round objects
’upanusten round objects
’upanus ’i’ kw’ nuts’useleven round objects
tskw’shastwenty round objects


  • Rodelle beads 
  • Beads
  • Thread (size D) (thread a needle)
  • needle
  • Beeswax
  • Scissors 
  • Small pliers

Step-by-step process

Step 1

Take your thread and measure about an arm’s length and cut the thread. Thread your needle.

Step 2

Pick up eight beads that are going to be your base colour. Bring the beads down your thread and leave about 2 inches for a tail. Take your needle and go up through the first bead and through to your last bead. Pull your thread through and repeat this step once more. This creates a loop.

Step 3

Add your rodelle bead (big bead) to your thread and it should sit at the bottom of your loop.

Step 4

Add your beads and design as you go. Anywhere from 80-100 beads on your stand. Take your needle and go through the bottom of your big bead and pull your thread through.

Step 5

Take your needle and go through in between the loop. Pull your thread through. Take your needle and go back down the big bead.

Step 6

Repeat steps four and five until you have three loops.

Step 7

Last step is to create a double knot at the top of the big bead. After your knot take your needle and go through one of your strands. Take the scissors and cut your access thread.

Step 8

Take the pliers and add your hook to your earring.

Step 9

Make your other side of your earring.

Students beading

Doll beading her earring
Student beading earrings
Students beading

Completed projects

Beautiful turquoise, white and gold earrings
Beautiful blue, yellow and red earrings
Beautiful yellow, green and red earrings
Beautiful green, white and grey earrings
Amanda happy with her new earrings