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Hul’q’umi’num’ vocabulary list

ts’qww’’atpierce it, poke a needle in
hwakw’tpulling it
p’utth’tunneedle (sewing needle)
hw’ukw’nutstthread a needle
q’usnutsttie a knot on the end (of sewing thread)


tsq’ixblack, dark-coloured
tsqwaygreen (includes many shades of yellow, green, and blue)
p’uq’white, beige, light grey, also means bright
tshwikw’grey (also written ts-hwikw’)
tumulhalus– Some speakers say it this way.
shkwitth’tsalusdark blue
saxwulalusgreen (from saxwul “grass”)
kwulula’alusorange (from kwulala’ulhp “red alder”)
luluts’yellow (luluts’ulhp Oregon-grape plant)
luluts’alusyellow (some people use =alus on this colour)
kwoulalusgold-coloured (kwoul “gold”)

Counting round objects

nuts’usone round object
yusa’lustwo round objects
lhihwusthree round objects
xuthinusfour round objects
lhq’atssusfive round objects
t’xumussix round objects
tth’a’kwsusseven round objects
ta’tssuseight round objects
toohwusnine round objects
’upanusten round objects
’upanus ’i’ kw’ nuts’useleven round objects
tskw’shastwenty round objects


  • Beads
  • Thread (size D)
  • needle
  • Beeswax
  • Scissors 
  • Small pliers 
  • Rope
  • Key ring 
  • Leather 
  • Sinew
  • Glover needle

Step-by-step process

Step 1

Pick your colours. Pick two to three colours max.

Step 2

Grabbing your rope, measure 10 inches with a ruler. By using scissors cut at the 10 inches mark. Use a lighter to heat the ends of the rope. This prevents unraveling.

Step 3

Picking up your thread measure about two arms length and cut it.

Step 4

Thread your needle and knot your thread by taking the two ends and making a triple knot.

Step 5

Pierce your needle through the rope about an inch from the bottom. Pull your thread through and wrap around the rope three times. Pierce your needle through and pull your rope through.

Step 6

Pick up 20 beads and wrap around the rope. Twist the beads and the rope at the same time. When done wrapping the beads, wrap the thread an additional two or three times. Place the needle through the last two beads.

Step 7

Repeat step six until done. When finished beading the rope wrap the thread around two to three times and tie a double knot.

Step 8

Place two ends together and sew together the two ends by wrapping the thread around two or three times and pierce the needle through the rope and pull through. End by placing a double knot.

Step 9

Cut about a 2 inch rectangle out of the leather. Using the glue place a small amount on one side of the end of the keychain and place the leather. Place glue on the other side of the rope and attach the leather on both sides.

Step 10

Grab the sinew. Measure and cut an arms length of sinew. Take the glover needle and thread it on the sinew. Sew the leather sides together with a basic stitch on both sides. End with a double knot. Cut the sinew after the knot. Lastly take the lighter and singe the end.

Students beading

Elaine working on her blue and silver rope
Lawrence working on his yellow, blue and silver key chain
Beautiful yellow, blue and silver key chain
Roberta and Dylan beading
Beautiful blue, silver and pink beaded rope necklace