At the shhwulmuhwqun
nilh swe’ ‘utl’ Sally ‘i’ Roger Hart tthun’a lelum’.
This is Sally and Roger Hart’s house.
yuse’lu tun’a ‘um’imuth ‘eelhtun, Jade ‘i’ Jubal.
two grandchildren, Jade and Jubal.
tth’ihwum ch ‘i’ nuw’ilum.
Please come in.
‘uy’ shqwaluwuns kwun’s ‘ulup tetsulnamut.
It’s good that you arrived.
tth’ihuwum tseep tse’ ‘uw’ m’i’ulup tetsul ‘i’ ‘uw’ yu ‘ayum tseep ‘ul’ ‘u tthun’ kaa. nilh tthu stl’ul’iqulh kwus qux hiiw’a’lum’ ‘i ‘u tun’a.
Drive slow as children are playing here.
nilh kwu nuw’ hwun’ kw’am’kw’um’ kws ‘imushs ‘i’ nuw’ stl’atl’um’ kws tsakws kws ‘unuhwstuhws lhu snuhwulhs ‘i’ ‘imush nem’ ‘u kwthu skwoule’wt-hw.
If you are healthy and can walk far, please park down by the schoolhouse.
tth’itth’uhwum tseep tse’ ‘i’ he’kw’ ch kws nilhs tse’ tthu s’ul’hween ni’ stutes ‘u thu lelum’ nilh tse’ shni’ kws ‘unuhwstuhws tthu snuhwulhs.
Please remember that is will be the Elders who park their cars near the house.
ha’ tseep lhp’atl’um’ ‘i’ tth’ihwum tseep ‘i’ nem’ tseep ‘utl’qul kwun’s p’atl’um’.s
Please go outside to smoke.
ni’ saay’stum tthu tl’eqt shts’uts’enutstun ni’ ‘u tthu yuw’an’us tthu lelum’ ‘i’ nuw’ slhelhuq’ tthu skw’a’wus sul’its ‘u tthu smeent ‘i’ tl’uw’ ni’ kwthu nuts’a’ thi shqwal’s sul’its ‘u kwthu pqwutsun nilh ni’ sun’wus tthu ‘un’ sp’atl’um kwun’s wulh tl’ekwunt.
There’s a bench in front of the house and a bucket full of rocks and a pot full of sand and that’s where you put your cigarette butts when they are extinguished.
skw’ey kw’un’s ‘uw’ we’wun’sh ‘ul’ kwthu ‘un’ sp’atl’um ‘un’suw’ wulh hay.
Don’t toss out your butts when you are finished.
tun’a ‘i shhw’i tst kwun’s skwookwul’ ‘i’ ‘uwu te’ tse’ ‘i tth’uxwun’up le’lum’ut tthu sun’iw’.
No janitor keep clean.
thuyula’qwum tseep.
Clean up your space.
slhimut tsun ‘uw’ ‘uy’aluwut ‘ul’. ???
keep it clean
yath chuw’ s’uy’iwstuhw tthu shni’s kwun’s ‘ulhtun.
Always keep where you eat clean.
tthu mukw’ stem ni’ ha’kwushuhw ni’ ‘u kwthu shhw’i’lhtun’ ‘i’ tth’xwat ch ‘un’suw’ le’sh.
Wash any plates you used and put them away.
yath chuw’ s’uyim’stuhw ‘umutew’t-hw.
Keep the bathroom clean.
shumens ’ulhtun — ’uw’ niis kw’uw’ stem ’a’lu ‘uns shumen.
Food allergies — us if you have any allergies.
‘uwu ch ‘ayumuhw ‘u tthu toohw tintun yath ch ‘uw’ yuw’en’.
Don’t be late for 9 am.
tth’ihwum tseep ‘i’ le’sh tthun’ shtutoom’.
Please put away your phone.
break phone
wulh ni’ tse’ ‘u kwthu sq’ew’um’ tst, lemut tseep tse’ tthun’ shtutoom’.
When we have a break, you can look at your phones.