Complex Numbers

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1. Complex Numbers

‘apun ‘i’ kw’ nuts’a’ ’11’
tskw’ush ‘i’ kw’ lhihw ’23’
xuthunlhshe’ ‘i’ kw’ t’xum ’46’
lhq’utssulhshe’ ‘i’ kw’ xu’athun ’54’
nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ te’tsus ‘108’
nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ t’xumulhshe’ ‘i’ kw’ nuts’a’ ‘161’
‘apun ‘i’ kw’ toohw nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ toohwulhshe’ ‘1990’

2. Numeral Classifiers

When making complex numbers with classifiers, put the classifier on both parts of the number:

‘upanus ‘i’ kw’ nuts’us ‘eleven dollars’
‘upanus ‘i’ kw’ yusa’lus ‘twelve dollars’
‘upanus ‘i’ kw’ lhihwus ‘thirteen dollars’
tskw’shas ‘i’ kw’ lhq’atssus ‘twenty-five dollars’
t’xumulhsha’us ‘i’ kw’ toohwus ‘sixty-nine dollars’


3. Homework

I. Write the numbers in Hul’q’umi’num’

  1. 14
  2. 65
  3. 42
  4. 83
  5. 76
  6. 27
  7. 49
  8. 31
  9. 55
  10. 89


II. Addition and subtraction:

(1) tth’ukwsulhshe’ ‘i’ ts’hwat kw’ ‘apun ni’ hwu _______________
(2) toohwulhshe’ ‘i’ me’sh kw’ t’xumulhshe’ ni’ hwu _______________
(3) lhq’utssulhshe’ ‘i’ kw’ nuts’a’ ‘i’ ts’hwat kw’ toohw ni’ hwu _______________
(4) lhuhwulhshe’ ‘i’ ts’hwat kw’ tskw’ush ni’ hwu _______________


III. Write out the following dollar amounts in numbers or in Hul’q’umi’num’.

(1) te’tssulhsha’us ‘i’ kw’ tth’a’kwsus (6) $60
(2) ‘upanus ‘i’ kw’ yusa’lus (7) $53
(3) ‘upanus ‘i’ kw’ nuts’us (8) $49
(4) lhuhwulhsha’us ‘i’ kw’ t’xumus (9) $25
(5) toohwulhsha’us ‘i’ kw’ toohwus (10) $150