Complex Numbers: hundreds and thousands

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1. Complex Numbers: hundreds and thousands

100 nets’uwuts
200 the’muts or yuse’lu nets’uwuts or
300 lhihw nets’uwuts
400 xu’athun nets’uwuts
500 lhq’etsus nets’uwuts
600 t’xum nets’uwuts
700 tth’a’kwus nets’uwuts
800 te’tsus nets’uwuts
900 toohw nets’uwuts
1000 ‘apun nets’uwuts or tawsun or


nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ t’xumulhshe’ ‘i’ kw’ nuts’a’ ‘161’
‘apun ‘i’ kw’ toohw nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ toohwulhshe’ ‘1990’
yuse’lu tawsun ‘i’ kw’ ‘apun ‘i’ kw’ yuse’lu ‘2012’
tskw’ush nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ ‘apun ‘i’ kw’ yuse’lu ‘2012’


2. Homework

I. Write the numbers in Hul’q’umi’num’.

(1) 241 (2) 472 (3) 657 (4) 1428 (5) 1954 (6) 1982 (7) 2012

II. Dialogue: Read the dialogue and then answer fill in the blanks.

A. ni’ ch ‘a’lu wulh kw’in sil’anum, ‘u te’? ‘How old are you, Mum?’
B. ni’ tsun wulh lhq’utssulhshe’ ‘i kw’ t’xum si’lanum kw’unus ‘i ‘u tuna’ tumuhw. ‘I have been ____ years on this earth.’
A. ni’ wulh kw’in sil’anum kw’un’s sme’luyi? ‘How long have you been married?
B. ni’ tst mulyitul ‘u kwthu ‘apun ‘i’ kw’ toohw nets’uwuts ‘i’ kw’ tutssulhshe’. ‘We got married in ______.’
A. ni’ wulh hith! ‘That’s a long time!’

III. Questions

stem sil’anum kw’un’ shkwan, ‘u te’? _____________________________________
ni’ wulh kw’in sil’anum kw’un’s sme’luyi? _____________________________________