Verbs with Human Objects
1. Vocabulary
ts’ewut | help him/her/it/them | |
’aat | call him/her/it/them | |
temut | phone him/her/it/them, shout over to him/her/it/them | |
’ulmutst | wait for him/her/it/them | |
ts’iit | thank him/her/it/them | |
lemut | look at him/her/it/them | |
tl’u’ast | pick him/her/it/them up | |
t’i’wi’ulht | pray for him/her/it |
2. Human Objects – Noun Phrases
nem’ ts’ewut tthun’ sqe’uq! | Go help your little brother! | |
nem’ ’aat lhun’ sqe’uq! | Go call your little sister! | |
nem’ temut lhun’ ten! | Go telephone your mother! | |
nem’ ts’iit tthu s’ul-hween! | Go thank the elder! | |
lemut tthu qeq! | Look at the baby! | |
nem’ tl’u’ast kwthun’ sqe’uq! | Go pick up your brother! | |
t’i’wi’ulht lhun’ si’lu! | Pray for your grandmother! | |
’ulmutst lhun’ shhwum’nikw! | Wait for your aunt! |
3. First and Second Person Objects
sg | pl | |
1st person | -tham’sh | -tal’hw |
2nd person | -thamu | -talu |
tth’ihwum ’i’ ’ulmutstham’sh! | Please wait for me! | |
tth’ihwum ’i’ ’ulmutstal’hw! | Please wait for us! | |
’uy’, ’ulmutsthamu tsun tse’. | Good, I’ll wait for you. | |
’uy’, ’ulmutstalu tsun tse’. | Good, I’ll wait for you all. | |
t’i’wi’ulhthamu tsun tse’. | I will pray for you. | |
t’i’wi’ulhtalu tsun tse’. | I will pray for you all. |
3.1 More examples
xwum ’u ch ’i’ ts’ewutham’sh? | |
Can you help me? | |
’ii ch tse’ temutham’sh? | |
Will you phone me? | |
ts’iitalu kwun’s’ulup tetsul ’u tun’a kweyul. | |
I thank you all for coming here today. | |
ts’iithamu tsun tse’ kwun’s ’i’ ts’ewutham’sh. | |
I will thank you for helping me. | |
temuthamu tsun tse’ ’uw’ kweyulus. | |
I will call you tomorrow. | |
’aathamu tsun tse’ kwun’s m’i hwiwul. | |
I will call you to come forward. | |
nem’ tsun tse’ tl’u’asthamu ’uw’ kweyulus. | |
I’ll come pick you up tomorrow. | |
nem’ tsun tse’ tl’u’astalu ’uw’ kweyulus. | |
I’ll come pick you all up tomorrow. |
4. Third Person Subjects
ni’ ts’ewutham’shus kwthunu shhwum’nikw. | My uncle helped me. | |
ni’ ts’ewutal’hwus kwthu shhwum’nikw tst. | Our uncle helped us. | |
’i tse’ tl’u’astham’shus lhunu ten. | My mother will pick me up. |
5. Homework
1. Use the phrases above to construct a set of five commands for someone to doing something to you.
- Ex: tth’ihwum ’i’ tl’u’astham’sh! Please pick me up!
2. Use the verbs in this lesson to construct a set of five question-answer pairs using first and second person singular and plural subject and object pronouns.
- Ex: temutham’sh ’u ch tse’ ’uw’ kweyulus? Will you call me tomorrow?
- Ex: temuthamu tsun tse’ ’uw’ kweyulus. I will call you tomorrow.
3. Tell four things that your relatives or friends did to/for you (using the verbs above). Use third person NPs (not names).
- Ex: ni’ ts’ewutham’shus lhunu ten. My mother helped me.
6. Speech To the Elders/Teachers
sii’em’ nu s’ul-hween, sii’em’ nu sii’ye’yu, | |
My respected Elders, my respected relatives, | |
ts’iitalu tsun tse’ kwun’s ’ilup sq’uq’ip ’u tun’a kweyul. | |
I thank you for being together (with us) today. | |
yath tseep ’uw’ ts’ets’uw’utal’hw ’u tthu syaays tst. | |
You always help us with our work. | |
ha’ tst ni’ tsutsun’ ’u tthu syaays tst ’i’ ni’ tst pte’mutalu ’i’ ni’ tseep ts’ets’uw’utal’hw. | |
When we ran into difficulty with our work and we asked you, you came and helped us. | |
nan ’uw’ tl’i’ tthu hul’q’umi’num’ sqwal ’i’ nilh kwun’s tatul’ut nilh stl’atl’um’. | |
The Hul’q’umi’num’ language is very important and you helped us learn it properly. | |
hay tseep q’u, nilh hay ’ul’ ’uy’ ’un’ syaays’ulup ’u tun’a kweyul, hay tseep q’u. | |
Thank you for your good work today, thank you. |