Challenging Sentences: Practice your consonants
Challenging Sentences: Practice your consonants
(1) na’ut hwi’ ’ushul hakwushus tthu shapul.
He paddled using the shovel.
hint: thxut ‘push’
(2) thxut tthu xthum.
Push the box.
(3) ’i ts’u ’uw’ hwun’ huy’qw kwthu hulelum’ ni’ yuqwyuqw.
It’s reported that the houses on fire are still burning.
(4) ’i tsun xixuq’ut tthunu sxun’u.
I’m scratching my leg.
(5) hwihwusutus tthu sxuy’usth tthu stiqiw.
The horse is shaking his head.
(6) ’e’ut t’at’uqw’um’ tthu s’eluhw.
The Elder is coughing.
hint: q’uwut ‘drum’
(7) q’e’mi’ thu ’i q’uw’utum’ ’u tthu q’uwut.
It’s a young lady who is drumming the drum.
(8) ’e’ut ’i’xwuthut ’u tthu lhuxunuptun ’u tthu ’axwtun
She’s sweeping the floor with the broom.
(9) xixukw’um’ tthu squl’ew’ ’u tthu qwlhey’.
The beaver gnawed at the log.
(10) ’uxtun tthu ni’ hakwushun’ ’u kwunus ’ixut tthu kw’uluw’.
A scraper is what I used to scrape hides.
hint: kw’its’ ‘butcher’
(11) ’etsune’! ni’ ch hwi’ kw’its’ut tthu kw’eets’.
Oh! You butchered the dogfish.
hint: lhkwat ‘peck’
(12) na’ut hwi’ lhkwatus tthu tth’iqt tthu thqet.
The flicker pecked on the tree.
hint: lhup’tth’t ‘slurp it’
(13) na’ut lhup’tth’tus thu pous tthu qa’.
The cat slurped the water.
(14) ni’ hwi’ xi’kw’utus lhu kw’e’tun’ tthu xthum.
The mouse is gnawing at the box.
hint: lhxwat ‘spit’
(15) lhxwat tthu ni’ ts’um’etuhw.
Spit out what you have in your mouth.
(16) ’e’ut lhaxwul’s tthu skwa’mutsun.
The camel is spitting.
hint: kwukwuhwtsum’ ‘knocking’
(17) ’uwu ch kwakwuhwtsumuhw ’u kw’ tth’a’kwus netulh.
Don’t be knocking at 7 am.
hint: lhap’qw’um’ ‘boiling, bubbling
(18) ’e’ut wulh lhap’qw’um’ tthu lhew’qum’ slhap’.
The mussel soup is boiling.
hint: lits’ut ‘cut, slice’
(19) nem’ tsun lits’ut tthu qwlhey’ ’u tthu luts’tun.
I’m going to cut the log with the saw.
hint: xt’ekw’ ‘carve’
(20) ni’ xt’ekw’tus tthu sxt’ekw’ ’u tthu shxut’ukw’.
He carved the carving wih a carving knife.
hint: q’eq’e’lh ‘gagging, choking on bone’
(21) ni’ tsun q’eq’e’lh ’u tthu stseelhtun stth’am
I’m choking on a salmon bone.
(22) nem’ ’etth’ut tthu shtth’axwiils ’u tthu shhw’e’tth’wiil’s.
Go wipe the dishpan with the dish cloth.
(23) ni’ qw’aqwutum tthu kw’eyutsun ’u tthu sqw’qwum.
The grizzly was clubbed with the axe.
(24) q’eput tthu qwlhey’ ’u tthu xwi’lum’ ’i’ nem’ hwkw’ast.
Tie the log with the rope and pull it.
(25) sel’q’tus tthu shtl’up’i’snutss tthu stiqiw.
The horse is waving his tail.
hint: ximut ‘grab a bundle’
(26) nem’ ximut tthu sts’ule’ts’usht na’ut stl’epx.
Go and grab the sticks that are scattered.
hint: shkw’uw’ula’qw ‘bald’
(27) na’ut xip’utum tthu sxuy’us tthu shkw’uw’ula’qw ’u tthu yuxwule’.
The eagle clawed the head of the bald man.
hint: xuxp’itsun’ ‘chipmunk’
(28) sht’e ’uw’ niis xip’utum tthu shlhuq’we’lhs thu xuxp’itsun’ sus ’uw’ hwu sxuxil’ suw’ neetum ’ukw’ xuxp’itsun’.
On account of chipmunk’s back being scraped so that it became marked, so he’s called xuxp’itsun’.