1. s’ulhtun st’i’wi’ulh [Grace]
xe’xe’ tsitsulh si’em’, tth’ihwum ‘i’ lhexun’t tthu s’ulhtun tst. stl’atl’um’ st’e.
Sacred Lord on high, please bless our food. Amen.
2. lhexun’t tthu s’ulhtun [Blessing the food]
tsitsulh si’em, tth’ihwum kwun’s yu slhexun’stuhw tthu ’uy’ s’ulhtun tst ’i’ tthu qaa’qa’tut tse’ ’u tun’a kweyul, ’uy’ skweyul.
Lord on High, I ask you to bless the food and drinks that we are all about to have today.
’amustal’hw ’u kwuthu kw’am’kw’um’ shqwaluwun kws hwyuxws tthu shqwaluwun tst.
Give us strength to nourish all our hearts and minds.
stl’atl’um’ st’e.
3. t’ut’iw’iulh tst tu tumuhw tst
[Our prayer for our world]
hay ch q’a’ ’u tthu hay ’ul ’uy’ skweyul
Thank you for this beautiful day
’i’ kwun’s ni’ yu slhelhuxun’stuhw tthunu ts’lhhwulmuhw.
and for the blessings you give to my friends and relatives.
hay ch q’u ’u tthu ’iin’ xutth’i’stal’hw
Thank you for giving us the gift
’i’ kwun’s ’i yu slhelhuxun’stuhw tthu ’uy’ s’ulhtun tst ’i’ tthu qa’.
of blessing our good food and water.
hay ch q’a’ kwun’s nan ’uw’ tstl’i’ ’utl’ lhnimulh.
Thank you for loving us.
t’iwi’ulh tsun kws hwu sthuthi’ slhelhuxun’ tse’ tthu shtun’aalhtun tst tumuhw.
I pray for the the earth we come from will be healed properly
’i’ kws hwu slhelhuxun’s tthuw’ mukw’ ts’its’usum’ ’i’ tthu ni’ ’i’mush ni ’u tthu hwthuthiqut.
and for the well-being of all things that grown and walk in the forest.
t’iwi’ulh tsun kws hwu ’uy’s hwu slhelhuxun’s kwthu xe’xe’ qa’ tst.
I pray for the scared waters to be cleansed and purified.
hwu kw’am’kw’um’stuhw ch, huy’qwoon’t ch tse’ kwthu yath nuw’ yu qel’qul’il’t.
Strengthen the hearts and give light to the ones that are doing harm.
xe’xe’ tsitsulh si’em’, tth’ihwum ’i’ ’amustal’hw ’u kwthuw’ kw’am’kw’um’ shqwaluwun.
Please give us strong hearts and minds.
stl’atlum’ st’e.
[hay ch q’u to Samaya Jardey for composing prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’ and Delores Louie for recording it.]
4. st’i’wi’ulh [Teacher’s Prayer]
tsitsulh si’em’, lhexun’t tthu stl’ul’iqulh kw’amkw’um’stuhw tthu shqwaluwuns
Lord on high, bless the young people for keeping their thoughts strong
‘u tun’a kweyul. stl’atl’um’ st’e.
on this day. Amen.
5. st’i’wi’ulh [Language Learner’s Prayer]
tsitsulh si’em’ tth’ihwum ch tse’ ‘i’ ‘amustal’hw ‘u kwthu ‘uy’ shqwaluwun,
Lord on high, please give us good guidance in our feelings,
stl’atl’um‘ shqwaluwun kws yu tatul’ut-s tthu hul’q’umi’num’ sqwal tst.
the perfect feelings in learning our Hul’q’umi’num’ language.
yu slhelhuxun’stuhw ch tse’ tthu shqwaluwun tst
You will bless our feelings
kws kwunnuhw tst tthu hul’q’umi’num’ sqwal.
so we will grasp our Hul’q’umi’num’ language.
stl’atl’um’ st’e
6. lhexun’t tthu skwuloukwul’ [Classroom blessing]
tsitsulh si’em’, tth’ihwum ch tse’ ’i’ ’amustal’hw ’u kwthu ‘uy’ shqwaluwun.
Lord please give us good guidance in our feelings.
tth’ihwum ch ‘i’ lhexun’t, le’lum’ut tthuw’mukw ’i ’u tun’a kewyul ’i’ tthunu ts’lhhwulmuhw.
Please provide protection and blessings for everyone here today.
tsitsulh si’em’, tth’ihwum ’i hulital’hw ’u kwthu ni’ shtsni’unlh tst kwutst hwu q’aq’i’ ’i’ kwthu qul ni’ wi’wul’ ’u tun’a.
Lord I ask you to keep them safe from any life threatening illness or addictions.
hwu kw’am’kwum’stuhw ch, huy’qwoon’t ch tse’ kwthu yath nuw’ yu’ qel’qul’il’tal’hw.
Strengthen the hearts and give light to the ones that are doing harm.
tth’ihwum ch ’i’ lhexun’t ch kwthunu ts’lhhwulmuhw, nu siiye’yu, kws nem’s skwoul, yaays, ‘i’ kwus m’i hun’umut.
Please keep my family and friends safe journey to school, work, and when they come home.
stl’atl’um’ st’e.
[hay ch q’u to Roberta Charie for composing prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’ and recording it.]
7. st’i’wi’ulh [Prayer]
xe’xe’ tsitsulh si’em’ ‘u tthu skweyul.
Sacred Lord on high in the sky.
nuwu tse’ yu hwii’yulasmustham’sh.
You will be the one to guide me.
nuwu tse’ yu ts’ets’uw’utham’sh
You will be the one to help me
kwunus ni’ yu tsiiy’ulhna’mut.
for all what I’m pleading for.
stl’atl’um’ st’e.
8. tsitsulh si’em’ [Creator]
tth’ihwum ch ’i’ lhexun’t yu le’lum’ut tthuw’ mukw’ ’i ’i ’u tun’a kweyul.
Please provide protection and blessings for everyone here today.
lhexun’t ch ’uw’ mukw’ tthu s’ul-hwuuntst ’i ’aam’ustal’hw ’u kwthu snuw’uyulh.
Bless our Elders that are guiding us with their knowledge.
’amust ch tse’ tthu s’ul’hween ’u kwthu kw’am’kw’um’ shqwaluwun kws yu ts’ets’uw’utal’hws kws yu tatul’ut tst tthu sqwal tst.
Provide our Elders with the strength to help us walk this learning path of our language.
’amustal’hw ’u kwthu hay ’ul’ kw’am’kw’um’ shqwaluwun kws yu hwu’alum’nuhw tst kwthu hay ’ul’ xe’xe’ sqwal tst nilh tse’ xwte’ ’u tthu yu slhi’a’uqwt stl’ul’iqulh.
Give us strength in our efforts to bring back our sacred language to all the children, those following behind us.
lhexun’t ch tse’ tthuw’ mukw’ ts’lhhwulmuhw ’i’ tthuw’ mukw’ ts’lhkwuloukwul’ tst ’i’ tthuw’ mukw’ yath nuw’ yu ts’ets’uw’utl’ahw ’u tthu ni’ sht’e tst.
We ask for blessing for the families of each of our fellow students, the ones that help us in our lives.
’amustal’hw ’u kwthu kw’am’kw’um’ shqwaluwun kws hwyuxws tthu shqwaluwun tst ’i’ kwunnuhw tst tse’ tthu hay ’ul’ xe’xe’ sqwal tst.
Give us the strength and open our hearts and minds to learn our sacred language.
stl’atl’um’ st’e.
[hay ch q’u to Laura Antoine for composing this prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’, and Delores Louie for recording it.
9. st’i’wi’ulh st’ilum [Prayer Song]
sung by Delores Louie
’i tsun ’uw’ t’ut’i’wi’ulh (thume)
I am praying (twice)
a ni na ah hey (thume)
ts’ewutham’sh, tthu si’em’ (thume)
Help me, Lord. (twice)
a ni na ah hey (thume)
eeyu uh eyu ‘a hey
eeyu uhey
a ni na ah hey yu hey hey
huy ch q’u, tthu si’em’ (thume)
Thank you, Lord (twice).