Talking About Language

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Talking About Language


nu stl’i’ kw’unus hwu qwaqwul’ ’u tthu hul’q’umi’num’. I want to speak Hul’q’umi’num’.
nu stl’i’ kw’unus ’uw’ hwu hul’q’umi’num’. I want to speak Hul’q’umi’num’.
xwum ’u ch ’i’ ts’e’wutham’sh? Can you help me?
tth’ihwum ch ‘i’ ts’e’wutham’sh ‘u tthu hul’q’umi’num’. Please help me with Hul’q’umi’num’.
’aa, si’em’. ’uy’ ’un’ sqwal. Oh, sir. Those are very good words.
xwum ’u ch ’i’ ts’ew’utham’sh ’u tthunu shqwultun? Can you help me with my wordings?
ni’ tsun mel’qt tthu sqwal. I forgot the word.
stem tthu snes tthu towel? What’s the name of towel?
’uwu te’ nu shtatul’stuhw. I don’t know.
hwnents’qinum. Say it in a different way.
lumstam’sh ’u tthuni’ ’un’ shqwel’qwul’i’wun’. Show me what you mean.
’uwu ch hwunitum’qunuhw. Don’t speak English.
hul’q’umi’num’ ch kwun’s qwaqwul’. Speak in Hul’q’umi’num’.
qul’et kwu’! Repeat it again!
qul’et kwu’. ’uwu tsun niin’ ts’elhum’. Repeat it again. I didn’t hear.
’uwu tsun niin’ ta’ulthun. I didn’t understand.
’uwu tsun niin’ ta’ulthun ’u tthun’ sqwal. I didn’t understand what you said.
hwiyuneem’ tseep kwu’elh. Listen now.
tth’ihwum ch kwu’elh ’i’ hwthiqun ch. Please speak louder.
tuw’ si’amut ch ’ul’ kwun’s yuqwaqwul’. Speak a little slower. (Articulate.)
’ayumstuhw ch ’ul’ tthun’ sqwal. Please speak slower.
’uwu kwunus ni’ ta’ulthun. ni’ ch nan ‘uw’ xwumxwumstuhw tthun’ sqwal. I can’t understand.
You’re speaking too fast.
niich ’uw’ ts’elhum’? Did you hear?
ni’ ’u ch sht’eewun’ kw’un’s ‘uw’ he’kw’ tse’? Do you think you could remember that?
’i’ ni’ ts’uw’ hwu thuthi’ tthun’ shqwultun. The sounds will fix themselves.