’i tsun kwunnuhw! | Bingo
’i tsun kwunnuhw! | ‘I got it!’ |
xul’ut kw’ ’apun ’i’ t’xum skw’shem. | ‘Write sixteen numbers.’ |
lhwet kw’u m’i qwul’qwul’ ’u tthu skw’shem? | ‘Who is going to come say the numbers?’ |
ha’ ch ni’ kwunnuhw kwthu kw’ushmuns ’i’ qp’ut ch. | ‘If you get a number, cover it.’ |
ha’ ch kwunnuhw kwthu xu’athun ni’ yustutastul’ ’i’ nilh ’un’s ’uw’ tl’hwunuq. | ‘If you get four numbers in a row, you win.’ |
ha’ ch tl’hwunuq ’i’ nilh ’un’s ’uw’ nemustuhw kwthu skw’shem qwul’qwul’. | ‘If you win, you read out your numbers.’ |