Finishing it up
Finishing it up
42. t-hwlhq’etsus munut tthun’ tintun.
You have five minutes left.
43. nii tseep wulh hay?
Are you finished?
44. ni’ wulh tus kwun’s ’unuhw kwun’s yaay’us.
It’s time to stop working.
45. lemut tst tse’ ’uw’ niis ’uw’ yu tl’ul’im’ tthun’ shtulqun.
Let’s see if your answers are correct.
46. nem’ tsun wulh q’put tthun’ pulipu’ulup.
I am going to collect your papers now.
47. m’i tseep hwiwsh ’amustham’sh ’u tthun’ pulipu’ulup.
Hand in your papers to me.
48. Teni, nem’ q’put mukw’ tthu pulipu.
Danny, go collect all the papers.
49. hay tseep q’u kwun’s ni’ ’ulup shqut tthun’ syaays.
Thank you all for completing your work.
50. ’uy’ tse’ nu shqwaluwun ’uw’ niihw ’usup’ ’u kwthu ni’ ’un’ syaay’usulup.
I look forward to seeing your work with it is finished.
51. nem’ p’e’ t’ukw’stuhw tthun’ syaays ’un’s ’uw’ ’usup’t.
You can take the work home and finish it.
52. kweyul tse’ p’e’ yelh ’un’s ’usup’t tthun’ syaays.
You can finish it tomorrow.
53. le’sh tseep tthuw’ mukw’ ni’ sts’uts’e’ ’u tthun’ li’lutem’.
Put everything away on your desk.
54. tth’ihwum tseep ’i’ le’sh mukw’ tthu ni’ ha’kwushuhw.
Put away everything that you are using.