ni’ ’untsu?

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1. Dialogue

ni’ ’untsu lhunu shtulalus? ‘Where are my glasses?’
lemut ’uw’ niis sun’iw’ ’u lhun’ shtulelu. ‘Look in your purse.’
ni’ ’untsu lhunu shtulelu? ‘Where’s my purse?’
lemut ’uw’ niis si’q ’u tthu shts’e’nutstun. ‘Look under the chair.’
’uwute’, ’uwu niis ni’. ‘Oh, it’s not there.’
wa’wa ni’ ’ula’ulh ’u lhun’ snuhwulh. ‘Maybe it’s in your car.’
nem’ tsun lemut. ‘I’ll go look for it.’
ni’ ’u ch kwunnuhw lhun’ shtulelu? ‘Did you find your purse?’
na’uth ni’ ’u tuni’. ‘There it is.
na’uth s’a’kw’us ’u tthu t’amun. There it is, hanging on the wall.’

2. Vocabulary

lutem ‘table’
shts’e’nutstun ‘chair’
shhw’a’mut ‘bed’
pipu ‘paper’
pulipu ‘papers’
t’amun ‘wall’
shelh ‘door’, ‘road’
lhuxunuptun ‘floor’
qwlhuy’shun ‘shoe’
lukli ‘key’
shtulalus ‘glasses’
q’uluts’tun ‘umbrella’
luqwu ‘suitcase’, ‘briefcase’


’untsu ‘where?’
sun’iw’ ‘in’
sts’uts’e’ ‘on’
si’q ‘under’
stl’pal’we’lh ‘underneath’
stslhal’we’lh ‘above’, ‘up on top’
stslhutsun’ ‘on top of’
s’a’kw’us ‘hanging on’
’ula’ulh ‘on board’, ‘in car’

Transitive verbs

lemut ‘look at it’
lumnuhw ‘see’
sew’q’t ‘look for it’
’ukw’nuhw ‘lose it’
kwunut ‘have/take it’
kwunnuhw ‘get it’

3. Phrases

ni’ ’untsu kwthunu q’uw’u? ‘Where’s my cane?’ (masculine)
ni’ ’untsu lhunu kapou? ‘Where’s my coat?’ (feminine)
’e’ut ’i ’u tu’i. ‘Here it is.’ (masculine)
’e’uth ’i ’u tu’i. ‘Here it is.’ (feminine)
na’ut ni’ ’u tuni’. ‘There it is.’ (masculine)
na’uth ni’ ’u tuni’. ‘There it is.’ (feminine)
na’ut sts’uts’e’ ttthunu lukli ’u tthu lutem. ‘My keys are there on the table.’
na’ut sts’uts’e’ ‘u tthu lutem ttthunu lukli. ‘My keys are there on the table.’

Note: either the item or the location can come first. The location is preceded by the preposition ‘u.

4. Some More Hul’q’umi’num’ Determiners (articles, demonstratives)

These are the determiners used for when the noun is out of view.

Articles ‘the, a’ Demonstratives ‘this’
masculine kwthu, kwu kwthey’, kwey’
feminine lhu lhey’
in view out of view
tthu ~ tu kwthu ~ kwu
my tthunu ~ tunu kwthunu ~ kwunu
your tthun’ ~ tun’ kwthun’ ~ kwun’

5. Assignment: “where is my …”

Practice possession with in view and out of sight determiners.

Some objects:

poukw ‘book’
xul’tun ‘pen’
pipu ‘paper’
lukli ‘key’
Question: ni’ ’untsu kwthunu poukw? // ni’ ’unuts kwunu poukw?
Where is my book? (out of view, or you wouldn’t be asking)
Short answer: ’e’ut ’i ’u tu’i.
It’s over here. (in view)
Long answer: ’e’ut ’i ’u tu’i tthun’ poukw.
Your book is over here.
sts’utse’  AND    lutem on     AND   table
sun’iw’    AND     situn in      AND   basket
sun’iw’    AND   xthum in     AND     box
’ula’ulh    AND    snuhwulh on board (in)    AND     car
sts’utse’ ’u kwthu lutem ‘(sitting) on the table’


6: Assignment: “go look ….”

Some locations: fill out location phrases by using these words.
Use preposition ’u for a location noun.

Question: ni’ ’untsu kwthunu poukw? // ni’ ’unuts kwunu poukw?
Where is my book?
Answer: ’uwu te’ nu shtatul’stuhw
I don’t know.
nem’ ch lemut sts’uts’e’ ’u kwthu lutem.
Go look on the table.
poukw book sts’utse’ on lutem table
xul’tun pen sun’iw’ in situn basket
pipu paper sun’iw’ in xthum box
lukli key ’ula’ulh on board, in snuhwulh car

7. Homework: Listening Practice

Listen to Ruby telling you about where she keeps her stuff. Listen to what she says and then answer her questions. Write down your answers.


(1) ni’ ’untsu lhunu qwlhuy’shun?
(2) ni’ ’untsu lhunu kupou?
(3) stem tthu ni’ sun’iw’ ’u tthu situn?
(4) stem tthu ni’ sun’iw’ ’u tthunu luqwu?
(5) ni’ ’untsu kwthunu luqwu?
(6) ni’ ’untsu lhunu shtulalus?
(7) stem ’a’lu tthu ni’ sts’uts’e’ ’u tthu lutem?