Glottalized affricates: tth’, ts’, tl’, ch’

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We use tth’ to represent the glottalized version of tth. Listen to the words and repeat them after Delores Louie says them.

‘spring salmon’
‘to pry it’
‘to shine a light on it’
‘to wash it’
‘to wipe it’


The letter ts’ stands for a glottalized ts. You can think of it as a sequence of t + s, only glottalized.

‘to thank him/her’
‘to fill it’


Quiz: Listening Practice – ts and ts’


Quiz: Listening Practice – tth’ and ts’


Quiz: Listening Practice – s, tth’ and th



This letter combination stands for what speakers of Hul’q’umi’num’ know as the first sound of the word tl’up “deep”. This sound begins with the tongue in the position of the sound t’ and it then releases into an l. It is similar to the clicking sound some people make when calling a horse, but you blow the air out through the sides of the tongue. Practice pronouncing the words that follow.

‘to be enough’
‘to jump’
‘to go down’
‘to rub or massage it’


Quiz: Listening Practice – t’ and tl’


Quiz: Listening Practice – t, tl’, lh, t’



We use ch’ to represent the glottalized version of ch. This is a very rare sound, appearing in only a handful of words.

‘frying pan’