Cedar Bailer

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sht’es kwun’s xte’um ‘u tthu lhultun
How to make a cedar bailer

1. Vocabulary

lhultun ‘bailer’
xpey’ ‘red cedar’
pashuluqw ‘yellow cedar’
p’uli’ ‘outer bark’
sluwi’ ‘inner bark’
shuptun ‘knife’
shhwahwukw’ul’s ‘whet stone, sharpener’
sts’esht ‘stick’
shkwun’el’s ‘handle’
xwi’lum’ ‘string’
hwstl’up la’thun ‘bowl’
‘unwulh ‘middle’
s’ulaans ‘end’
ts’umiil’ ‘thin’
mul’ul ‘soft’
hwusaay’ ‘ready’
lhuqwstuhw ‘wet it’
smatqwstuhw ‘soak it’
hakwush ‘use it’
thuyt ‘fix it, make it’
tsuluw’t ‘turn it over’
xeetth’t ‘measure it’
lhits’ut ‘cut it’
me’sh ‘take it off’
musut ‘fold it’
q’ep’ut ‘tie it’


2. Sentences

(1) hakwush tthu shhwahwukw’ul’s kws hwu’uya’ths tthun’ shuptun.
Use the whet stone to sharpen your knife.
(2) thuyt kwthu sts’esht ni’ tse’ shkwun’el’sth kwthu lhultun.
Fix the stick that will be the handle of the bailer.
(3) nilh tthu xwi’lum’ shq’ep’s tthu shkwun’e’lsth tthu lhultun.
The string will be used to tie the handle of the bailer.
(4) yath ch ‘uw’ lhuqwstuhw tthun’ sluwi’.
Always keep your bark wet.
(5) niich wulh smatqwstuhw tthun’ xpey’ ‘u tthu nuts’a’ snet.
You soak the cedar over night.
(6) ni’ hwumul’ul kws ‘uwus susuq’us.
When it’s soft, it won’t split.
(7) ni’ ch tse’ xeetth’t kwthu sht’es tse’ kws this kwthun’ lhultun.
Measure how big your bailer will be.
(8) tthu p’uli’s ha’ ‘un’ stl’i’ kws ‘uw’ st’i’am’s ‘ul’ ‘i ‘uw’ st’i’am’ ‘ul’.
As for the bark, if you want it on there, just have it on there.
(9) ha’ ch me’sh tthu p’uli’s ‘i’ shuptun tthu hakwushuhw.
If you take off the bark, you use a knife.
(10) ni’ ch tse’ hwuts’umiil’stuhw kwthu ni’ ‘u tthu s’ulaans kwthu shni’s thun’s musut.
You thin out the end so that it will fold over.
(11) ni’ ch lhits’ut kwthu shni’s tse’ kwun’s musut kws ‘uwus suxwus.
When you cut where you will fold it, don’t break through.
(12) ni’ tl’uw’ yuste’ ‘ul’ tthu s’ulaans.
Do like that on the other end as well.
(13) ni’ wulh saay’ tthu shni’s tse’ kwthu shkwun’el’sth ‘un’s nuw’ musut.
You prepare the place where the handle goes by folding it.
(14) ni’ ch wulh kwun’et tthu sts’esht hwts’ut ‘u tthu ni’ musutuhw.
Then you hold the stick putting it in the middle of where you folded.
(15) ni’ hwusaay’ tthu xwi’lum’ kwun’s ni’ q’ep’ut tthu shkwun’e’lsth.
The string is ready for when you tie up the bailer.
(16) ni’ ch tl’uw’ yust’estuhw ‘ul’ tthu nuts’a’ s’ulaans kwun’s ni’ q’ep’ut.
And then you do the same thing to the other end; you tie it.
(17) ‘i’ nilh susuw’ hwusaay’ tthun’ lhultun.
And now your bailer is ready.