Unit 19 – Emotions
19.1 Dialogue
19.2 Vocabulary: thoughts and feelings.
19.3 Pattern practice.
19.4 Expressing objects.
19.5 Pattern practice.
19.6 Substitution drill.
19.7 Translation.
19.8 -me’: feelings toward people.
19.9 Pattern practice.
19.10 Expressing objects with –me’.
19.11 Pattern practice.
19.12 Pattern practice.
19.13 Substitution drill.
19.14 Translation.
19.15 Making people feel emotions.
19.16 Pattern practice.
19.17 Pattern practice.
19.18 Pattern practice.
19.19 Translation.
19.20 Reading lesson.
nan ’uw’ ’iyus tthunu shqwaluwun. ni’ ’u ch ’uw’ hekw’ ’u kwthunu mun’u? nilh kwthu ni’ ni’ ’utl’ mutouliye’? tl’lim’ tst ni’ ’uw’ ts’uq’me’t kwthunu mun’u. ’i tst sht’ewun’ kws skw’eys kws ya’yusna’mut. ni’ kwu’elh hwu yaa’yus xt’ekw’um ’u kwthu qequn’. mukw’ tst ’uw’ ’uy’ shqwaluwun tst kwus hwi’ yaa’yusna’mut.