FNLG 130 Hul’q’umi’num’ Practical Phonetics

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FNLG 130 course schedule: You can find materials for each week for listening or for downloading here.

FNLG 130 Course Outline

For and introduction to the sounds of Hul’q’umi’num’, go to: https://sqwal.hwulmuhwqun.ca/learn/learning-the-sounds/


Course materials will open in a new tab. To save a PDF document: Right-click (control-click on a Mac) the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer.


1 Sounds of Hul’q’umi’num’ PDF
1 Hul’q’umi’num’ Sounds: some challenging sounds PDF
1 Hul’q’umi’num’ sounds: places and manners of articulation PDF
1 Morphology_Problem1 PDF
1 Names for some creatures PDF
1 Animal scavenger hunt PDF
1 Diminutives (words for cute little things) PDF
1 Four Green Frogs poem PDF
1 xuthinuws ’uli’hwiin’ tsqway wuxus VIDEO (video will open in new tab)
2 Pronunciation test 1 : The task was to listen and repeat words in order to identify problem sounds.
2 We read Robert Rice’s story of Bear and Raven.
• Go to this web page to hear Ruby Peter read this story.
2 Practiced using audacity and a yeti microphone to record. And we practiced playing audacity and transcribing a short message about the ladybug.
• Go to Mom’s song about the ladybug
2 Practicing the lh sound. Some of you are pronouncing this without flattening your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and so you are producing a sound like th, with your tongue tip, instead.
2 The next poem for you to practice performing (one that will help you pronounce lh) is lhakw’ huye! Fly away!
2 t’i’t’ut’um’ (Little Wren)
• Go to this web page to hear Ruby Peter read the story.
2 Numbers 1-20, adding and subtracting

• Go to this web page

2 Counting with classifiers. • Go to this web page.
2 Practicing counting by tens and counting money.

• Go to this web page to practice.

2 Practicing counting people.

• Go to this web page to practice.

2 Practicing language used in the longhouse for a naming ceremony.

• Go to this web page.

3 Glottalized Resonants PDF
3 How to make progressives PDF   Homework assignment
3 The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)

• Go to this web page.

3 Counting to four with Three Classifiers PDF
3 ’imuth, ’i’ nilh nu q’uw’u | Grandson, who is my cane: A Poem by Ruby Peter

• Go to this web page.

4 Getting ready for the phonetic contest: Here are some challenging sentences for practicing consonants.

• Go to this web page.